An interview with Michael Cheng

Michael Cheng records videos of Meetup events and conferences. He also trains volunteers in the videography of events. He is a software engineer.

Pheng Heong snagged a chance to ask him questions at his office in June, when he was recording.

Photo of Michael Cheng

Why do you do what you do?

It’s to show what we [the developers in Singapore] are doing. It’s a historical record. And the developers in Singapore are not getting any younger. They have families and they cannot attend these Meetups.

How much money have you spent on your recording equipment?

About a thousand dollars.

What’s the greatest difficulty that you’ve faced?

It was a conference at FOSSASIA. The speaker was on a Google Hangout as he could not attend. The challenge was to record the Google Hangout and the conference itself.

What is Meetup to you?

It’s a way of meeting new people.